S.A.F.E Elders Initiative

Posted on March 20, 2018  in Uncategorized

protect loved ones from elder abuseElder abuse is a crime against elderly people. It comes in many forms and it is not always easily proven. For that reason, S.A.F.E (Stop Abuse & Financial Exploitation) is something that encourages both elderly and their families to know and understand what elderly abuse is and how to recognize when it may be happening to you.

What is Elderly Abuse?

elder abuseElder abuse is the physical, mental, or financial abuse of an elderly person. It may also include neglect as it pertains to the care of an older person. It may be a single act of abuse or a repeated one where the elderly person has an established expectation of trust. The most common abusers are caregivers, nursing homes, and family members who the elderly person trusts to help them instead of hurting them.

What is Financial Abuse?

financial elder abuseFinancial abuse of an elderly person may take many forms. It may be a fraudulent claim that the person will take care of the older person in return for property or money and then failing to follow through. For instance, telling the elderly person that if they sign over their personal property in return for a lifelong care arrangement or the ability to spend their life living there, and then evicting them or withholding care. It may be the caregiver promising to purchase medications or something that the older person wants and then failing to do so or using the money given to not only purchase medication, but items that they will use themselves. Even something as simple as a promise to provide food for the older person and then purchasing shoes for them instead, could be a form of elder financial abuse because the elderly person handed over money with the expectation of getting one thing and received another. It may be financial abuse by someone who promises to use the elder’s money wisely and encourages the person to take out a loan or give freely of their money to receive something that they never get. Scammers are likely to attack older people with this type of promise.

Elder Neglect

physical elder abuseVulnerable adults are especially likely to suffer elder neglect. Neglect may be passive or active. It may be poor care given by the caregiver (starvation, medications not being given, or other things) and it may also be allowing the elder to self-neglect, which means that they may not bathe properly or starve themselves, but it may also mean that they are refusing care that they desperately need. Passive neglect is when the caregiver wants to do right, but must leave the elderly person alone or they are not properly trained to care for that person’s needs. Active neglect is when the person knowingly neglects the elder by withholding care.

Other Elder Abuse Types

There are all types of abuse toward elderly because they are in need of help from others. Most often, they have a mental illness and depend on other people for their needs. This opens the door for not only financial exploitation and neglect, but physical abuse, mental abuse, sexual abuse, and much more. Regardless of what the abuse is, our elderly loved ones deserve to be taken care of instead of abused. The goal of S.A.F.E Elders Initiative is to raise awareness, make it easier to spot signs of abuse, and easier for our older loved ones and their family to fight back after instances of abuse.

Safely Supplying Backup Power

Posted on April 2, 2020  in Uncategorized

For most people, a power outage is nothing more than an inconvenience. We have to do without our lights for a few hours. We may have to avoid opening the fridge, or we may have to sweat a little waiting on it to come back on. Bothersome, but it does not matter much in the grand scheme. The problem comes in when you are elderly. They are the ones who often find themselves in need of the ability to safely supply backup power to their home.

The Importance of Power

There are many elders that have special needs when it comes to power. They depend on it more than the rest of us. They are the ones who need CPAP machines for help to breathe as well as other health necessities that require power to function. When the power goes out, they are often faced with a life or death situation. No one wants to end up worse because of a summer storm or someone hit a power pole a few miles down the road.

Where Does the Power Come From?

When the power goes out, as it inevitably will, what do you do? How do you get the power that you need? We turn to power generators for a backup power option that is a game-changer. When the power goes out, there are small generators that can take over. However, that isn’t always enough power.

Another option that is favored by many is the idea of running parallel generators. This makes it possible for you to run a backup generator to ensure that if you run short on gas in one, the other is there to take over. When its life or death that you are dealing with, you may need all the help you can get.

When You Need Power-Choose Reliability!

We never know what is going to happen tomorrow. We are never forewarned that our power may be turned off for an hour or more. We never know ahead of time that a summer storm will roll into our area. Before everything has a chance to get the best of you, shouldn’t you do what you can to protect yourself before it happens?

You should take the time to research generators that may work for your home. This way, if a bad situation comes up, you are prepared. You will have all the tools that you need to protect yourself.


Alternative Transportation Methods for Elderly Adults

Posted on June 17, 2018  in Uncategorized

caring for elderlyAs our loved ones get older, certain things begin to happen in their lives. It is the same things that will happen to us all, eventually. Many of these things are a little difficult to deal with, such as the increased risks of falls and failing eyesight, slower reflexes, and health concerns. It isn’t always easy for the older generations to live independently because of these things, but often one of the hardest things to deal with is transportation. Many of our senior citizens have to give up their license because of their situation or have them revoked because they cannot see well enough to drive. When this happens, you can help by looking into alternative transportation methods for elderly adults.

The Trouble with Aging

public transportation optionsIt is often hard to deal with our elderly loved one’s needs. They require about the same love as a child, but were once people who would help you through everything that you were dealing with. They may be off balance, so you have to worry that they will fall. They may have medical issues and forgetfulness which means you have to remind them to take their medications properly. Their eyesight may make it difficult for them to do the things that they want to do. Some elderly loved ones give up driving because they are fearful that something will happen if they get behind the wheel. It is perhaps the safest thing for them to do, but it does make life complicated for them and those who are there to help them. Who takes them to run small errands or to doctor visits then? Regardless of what they are dealing with, it is stressful for them to have to rely on others to help. You can make it easier by allowing them to still have a sense of independence.

Mobility for the Elderly

scooters for adultsMost elderly loved ones want to stay home and maintain the life that they have always lived. This often means that you must put effort into ensuring their home is safe, but it also goes beyond that to ensuring that they can have the freedom to run errands alone. The best way to do this is to encourage them to use public transportation options, but some people simply do not want to deal with numerous bus stops and trips through the subway. Another great option for seniors who want to have the freedom to go visit neighbors are scooters, but what happens if they run out of a charge while your loved one is on the go? Luckily, there are some scooters like these for adults, that are gas powered so that your loved one can venture out to take care of small errands without having to ask for help.

Explore Your Options for Elder Care

Some communities have programs available to the elderly to help them stay active and independent. You should look into those programs around your home town. You should also look for ways to make your family members feel as though they are still able to do the things that they have always enjoyed doing. Read the reviews for scooters to find the one that will give them the most freedom and be something that they can use. Your parents, grandparents, etc. will be thankful that you did it.

Protecting Elderly Against Pests

Posted on June 11, 2018  in Uncategorized

elderly loved onesPests are a problem for most every person during certain times of the year. Their bites are not only itchy, but they can cause pain if they get infected or turn into sores. Some pests, such as mosquitoes, can spread diseases, which have a very negative impact on children and elderly people. Therefore, it is very important that you put effort into protecting elderly against pests in the same way that you would your child.

How Pests Affect Elderly

mosquito borne illnessesDuring the summer months when most of us want to be outdoors, we end up having to deal with pests that bite and cause itching, swelling, and even pain. The West Nile Virus is one of the biggest risks of mosquito bites because its damage may be permanent or deadly for elderly and children. Symptoms may include headaches, fevers, stiff neck, confusion, tremors, muscle weakness, coma, and even death. There are also other symptoms such as convulsions and comas. Symptoms will usually show up within three to fourteen days after being bitten. Most adults can use a bug repellent to help them avoid bites, but is it really a good idea for our elderly loved ones?

Elders and Chemicals

mosquito bite soresA lot of times, chemicals are used to help prevent bites from the most common pests. They are effective, but a lot of them can cause skin irritation and breathing problems for elderly family members. Therefore, if you must use repellent, you may want to consider more natural solutions. Sprays that use essential oils are best, but they can let a few bugs bite still. This is why most people agree that the best way to prevent bites is to try to eliminate as many insects as possible from around areas where your loved one will be. The simplest way to do this is to use propane mosquito traps since they treat an entire yard without the use of chemicals. You can learn more about bug prevention using traps and other natural methods on propanemosquitotrap.com. Its also worth exploring proactive measures to eliminate a population of mosquitos rather than defensive with sprays and zappers.

Steps to Protect Elderly Loved Ones

No matter what type of sprays you use, traps you have, or preventative measures you may take, pests may still be a problem. The more you do around the home, though, the more you will increase your success rate with keeping them away. You can set up traps around the yard, but then you need to try and make the yard an unsavory place for them to hang out. Most insects, especially mosquitoes, love damp, cool places. They use water as a breeding ground. They will not venture too far away from their breeding grounds, so if you minimize those areas, your lawn will become less appealing. In the event that you have a pond or a ditch that holds water on your property, you cannot get rid of standing water. You should treat the water using the tablets that are available to treat water. You should also encourage your loved one to use the natural repellents that are available when they want to go outside as an extra layer of protection against bites.

Healthy Living Through Steady Nutrients

Posted on May 2, 2018  in Uncategorized

supplementsTaking care of an elderly loved one is perhaps one of the hardest things you will ever have to do. Not only are they frail and often short when things do not go their way, their bodies are more sensitive to a lot of things. A simple UTI could be a minor inconvenience for you, but for them, it can be something that throws off not only their body, but their mind. The same can be said for any minor vitamin deficiency. Therefore, they rely on healthy living through steady nutrients and it is something we could all learn from doing.

What Are Vitamin Supplements?

elderly and supplementsToday, we hear a lot about vitamin supplements. You can get anything from vitamins, to minerals, herbals, enzymes, and amino acids, as well as a variety of other things. Each of these supplements, can help you feel better in ways. For instance, if you take melatonin, you should be able to achieve a more restful sleep. Garlic pills can help your blood. Fish oils can help a variety of other things. Each supplement has a purpose. Overall, most supplements are safe to take. The vitamins A, E, D, C, and folic acid supplements can help you ward off diseases. However, it can become unsafe for you if you take too much. The same is true for potassium. Your body requires a certain amount of it. Too much can cause you issues and too little can also be deadly.

Are Vitamin Supplements Safe for Elders?

supplements of vitamin dOne thing you have to remember before giving an elderly loved one supplements is that less is more. Most people can get enough vitamins if they have a healthy diet, but there are situations where they may need a little extra help. For instance, a lot of cereal contains the vitamin B12. This is great, but many elders cannot absorb it the way that they did when they were younger. In order to keep their blood and nerves healthy, their doctor may recommend that they take a supplement. Calcium is also in a lot of foods, but elders need more. If their bones are growing weaker, their doctor may suggest a supplement. Chromium Citrate is not recommended in higher doses for senior citizens, but it is important that they have some of the vitamin in their system. However, glucose is an issue for many older people and chromium citrate can cause more damage than good for them.

Pros and Cons of Supplements

Supplements are designed to be a supplement to help you stay healthy. If used right, they can ensure that you have the energy and stamina required to live a happy and long life. The problem is, there is also a downside to them if you are unsure of how to use them the right way. You should always seek out your doctor’s recommendations before you start supplementing, especially if you are over the age of 60 to ensure that you are not shortening your life by doing something you believed would prolong it. Simply talk to your doctor to have them help you decide on the pros and cons of supplements for your situation.